Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An introduction that might do a better job at introducing

So, I'm Ann.
From Zuperfliegen
I'm what you might call a "late bloomer" entering motherhood in the same year I qualify for some "retirement villages". Once upon a time, let's call it January, I used to have a job for which I worked only 4 to 5 days each week between 9 and 6. Now, I have a job I work, as they say, 24:7...except for last night. I went to bed early and left Kevin in charge. This is all to say, relative to the rest of the tribe (or pack as some of us like to say), I'm boring.

The other members of the cast include :
From Zuperfliegen

My dear husband, Kevin. His responsibilities include family entertainment, zombie apocalypse planning, and, most recently, winner of bread. (Ironic since in an earlier incarnation he was the mastermind behind the winning OF bread. See "Night of the Living Bread", "Loaf", "Sandwich".) The man doesn't just have one great idea; he's got a million of them. Secret master of the bread universe (Damn! I don't think I was supposed to reveal that!) and ninja night mower. Superpower: close parking.

Zelda - first child.
From Singles 2011
Genetic problem has resulted in a very heavy hair-coat and inability to walk on two legs. Has recently become quite deaf. Generally unimpressed with Zuperfliegen. Responsibilities: napping and the protection of the house in all situations not related to zombies (or hearing). Superpower: able to bring down an entire veterinary clinic from inside a locked enclosure using only her mouth.

Zuperfliegen - Full name: Zuperfliegen Baadasssss.
From Zuperfliegen
Addition as of April 8. Though actually "postmature" he's managed to snag a developmental brain problem more associated with "premature" infants: Central Apnea. As a consequence, he's outfitted with a cool-o nasal cannula that delivers a constant sniff of extra oxygen. We figure it is probably ultimately related to his latent superpowers. Current sweet skills - spitting milk and sleeping through Zelda's dog alarms. And, he's pretty kissable.

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